The Oregon Association for Home Care is a trade organization representing providers of skilled home health, hospice, in-home care, IV therapy, respiratory therapy and home medical equipment services throughout the state of Oregon. It is our mission to support and assist our members in the delivery of high value homebased health care in our communities through advocacy, education and services.
Promote the well-being of our industry by supporting OAHC’s advocacy efforts. OAHC continues to provide a respected voice for home care in Oregon directly to local, state and national representatives on your behalf. OAHC works directly with the Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Department of Human Services, Oregon’s Rural Health Coordinating Council, and various other boards and committees statewide and nationally. Volunteer to serve on an OAHC committee for an even greater opportunity to connect with your peers!
Members receive discounts on all OAHC workshops, webinars and conferences – all designed to help you streamline operations, build efficiencies, and stay abreast of regulations, current issues, trends and developments. Membership includes access to online education for all your staff through RCTCLearn.Net. Visit the OAHC Education page for more information on what we have to offer!
OAHC provides timely and essential regulatory information and legislative news your agency needs NOW. Our listserv, electronic notifications and quarterly legislative and regulatory calls are designed to keep you and your staff informed and up-to-date. Join the Listserv
Our Board of Directors, Regulatory & Legislative Affairs Committee (RLAC) and Executive Director are a great resource for information on the latest breaking issues and are available to answer any of your questions. Visit the About OAHC page to contact one of these great resources.
The Members’ Only sections of the website offer access to up-to-date information, tools & resources, NAHC Forum reports, Home Health & Hospice Dashboard Reports and the Listserv where members can discuss issues impacting business. Members can also post jobs at a discount in the Career Center.
The Find A Provider directory allows the public to search for members by organization name, county, and services. Each member receives a complimentary listing in the OAHC Membership Directory and Referral Resource Guide as a benefit of membership. Published annually, the guide is a comprehensive directory of OAHC members that is distributed to hospital discharge planners, skilled nursing facilities, and areas on aging throughout Oregon. Download a copy today! (members-only)
OAHC partners with providers of products and services used by home care and hospice professionals to provide you with exclusive member discounts on education opportunities and other business tools. For a full list of Member Discount Programs.
Member Benefits You Don't Want to Miss!!!
Membership Brochure
Annual Conference